Cary Group continues to implement actions to reduce carbon emissions

Cary Group provides car care services that sustain the life, value and safety features of vehicles. Caring and repairing, instead of replacing, with social responsibility and minimal environmental impact, is the foundation of sustainable car care at Cary Group. Sustainability is integrated in each step of the windshield’s journey at Cary Group, from the first interaction with the customer after a stone chip has occurred, to the damage assessment, through the repair or replacement process until the windshield is repaired and recycled. From August Cary Group has decided to provide electric courtesy cars to minimize climate impact form customers during service.

After a stone chip occurs, Cary Group offers its customers the ability to use an automatic damage assessment tool using Artificial Intelligence (“AI”). If the windshield needs to be repaired or replaced, the visit to one of the workshops in Cary Group’s dense network can easily be booked digitally. The AI damage assessment tool combined with the dense network and digital booking systems reduces carbon emissions through reduced miles travelled to and from workshops.

During a windshield replacement service, customers are offered a free courtesy car, bicycle or electric scooter. Cary Group is continuously working towards reducing the climate impact from its vehicle fleet and from August, Cary Group has rolled out 40 new electric vehicles in the Swedish operations as an initiative to increase the share of electric vehicles to their customers.

”Improving our customer experience and at the same time caring for our planet is a double-win. By utilizing fossil-free vehicles as courtesy cars combined with our virtual AI damage assessment tool and an integrated digitalized booking process, we combine convenience for our customers with reduced climate impact and strengthen our sustainable service offering. We want to be the sustainable choice when it comes to vehicle glass repairs and replacements, and we always look for more ways to reduce our climate impact”, says Linda Wikström, COO and Deputy CEO of Cary Group.

Replacing a windshield means a total emission of approximately 44 kg CO2e, including production, transport and recycling. Therefore, Cary Group always strives to repair the customer’s windshield to the greatest possible extent. As per this year, Cary Group climate compensates for all vehicle glass repairs and replacements in the Nordics. The carbon offsetting is performed through Plan Vivo-certified tree planting projects.

For more information, please contact:

Linda Wikström, COO and Deputy CEO
linda.wikstrom@carygroup.comor +46 10 788 82 73
Helene Gustafsson, Head of IR & Corporate Communication at Cary Group
helene.gustafsson@carygroup.comor +46 70 868 40 50

About Cary Group

Cary Group offers sustainable car care solutions with business in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, UK and Spain, specialising in vehicle glass repair and replacement with a complementary offering in auto body repair. Ryds bilglas, Svenska Bussglas, Mobile Windscreens, Crashpoint, Danglas, Cary, Quick Car Fix, Autoklinik and Auto Cristal Ralarsa are our well known and successful brands with a total of 524 workshops and 397 mobile units. We provide car care services that sustain the life, value and safety feature of motorized vehicles by always aiming to repair instead of replace. With convenient locations, high-quality products and smart solutions, we help our customers make simplified and sustainable choices. For more information,

